Senin, 18 November 2013

Sports for Health

Sports for Health
Posted by malamjumat on Oct. 26, 2009

As is discussed in section healthy eating , the food we eat should be balanced by the activity / physical activity , if the activity we just sit around in the office or rarely perform strenuous activities when the food we eat a lot of calories , the result is excess this energy will be stored as fat reserves , and when fat reserves will result in accumulating body become obese ( overweight ) would then become obese .
The best way to prevent obesity is to calculate the food we eat to the activities undertaken , if we eat a lot of trivial , we have a lot of activity / active , if not a lot of our activities means we need to exercise to balance it . Simple exercise , such as running , sports field ( using the field services contractors ) , or using exercise equipment in the fitness as well as good .
How can a healthy sport ? , Here are some healthy exercise tips :
* Heating is very important . The muscles we must be prepared in advance . Do it for 5-10 minutes with slow activity .
* Frequency is crucial , how often we exercise a week , most good 3-5 times and this should be done regularly .
* The intensity of exercise ( magnitude of the effort ) . Must exercise to sweat and breathe deeply . Not to arise taste
comfortable , try increasing the heart rate up to 60-90 % of normal .
* Time is also decisive . Research shows when we exercise for 30 minutes will be the same result with the sport for 10 minutes performed 3 times with the same intensity .
Cooling should not be underestimated . When we finished the weight and stop exercising suddenly , we may experience muscle stiffness , feeling weak , dizzy even be unconscious . Cool down by walking or stretching slowly for 5-10 minutes .
Now it has many sports facilities can be rented field ( like a toy rental now ) and use the facilities of other sports .
May be useful ! ! !
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