Senin, 18 November 2013

Sports health efforts

Sports health efforts are efforts that utilize health and physical activity or exercise to improve health. Physical activity or exercise is part of basic needs in everyday life because it can improve your fitness required to perform their duties . With the advanced world of technology facilitate all activities that cause us less mobile ( hypokinetic ) , such as the use of remote controls , computers , elevators and escalators , without dimbangi with physical activity that will menimbilkan disease due to lack of movement .
Lifestyle sedentary work (sedentary ) and lack of movement coupled with the risk factors , such as smoking , unhealthy diet can lead to non-communicable diseases , such as heart disease , blood vessels , high blood pressure , diabetes , weight , osteoporosis , colon cancer , depression and anxiety .
WHO study on risk factors stated that the lifestyle of sedentary work is one of the top 10 causes of death and disability in the world . More than two million deaths each year are caused by lack of moving / physical activity . In most countries around the world between 60 % to 85 % of adults are not enough physical activity to maintain their physical . According to a study in collaboration with the WHO in 1999, stating that the disease is not infectious or degenerative causes 60 % of deaths and 43% of the global disease burden .
2020 is expected to be the cause of non-communicable diseases 73 % mortality and 60 % of global disease burden . Likewise Household Health Survey ( Survey) , the proportion of cardiovascular disease increased from year to year as a result of death ; 5.9 % in 1975 , 9.1 % in 1986, 16 % and 19 % in 1995 . In many developed and developing countries , over the last 25 years that non-communicable diseases become the number one cause of death .
The results Dede Kusmana 2002 showed that people who have a lifestyle : not smoking , exercising regularly , and do physical labor , was five times higher chance spared from heart disease and stroke in the opposite lifestyle .
Furthermore, according to Manoefris Kasim , 2002, adding that the factors obesity, lack of exercise , family history of cardiovascular disease , and diabetes possessed risk of coronary heart disease was four times higher than those who do not have diabetes .
That people avoid these diseases . WHO in commemorating World Health Day to 54 , 7 April 2002 sets the theme " Fit For Health " which evolved into " Move For Health " in Indonesian translates to " Moving To Healthy and Fit " . Therefore the activities of physical activity / exercise and sports should be a movement or society .
The purpose of this book is to increase knowledge and understanding of health care workers about the health of primary health care level sports ( PHC ) , and referral level health care ( Community Sports Health Center ) / BKOM , Hospital ) so as to provide services to the community so that people avoid of various non-communicable diseases and to greater degrees can health, fitness and work productivity .

Sports To Improve Bone and Joint Health

Sports To Improve Bone and Joint Health
Each activity and body movement inevitably involves the bones and joints . Serves as an advocate for the body's bones and joints is important so that the bone can be driven by flexible . To maintain the health of both, is not difficult . First , fill the nutritional needs of bone and joints ranging from calcium , vitamin D , magnesium , glucosamine , chondroitin up . Second , perfected with regular exercise . Why is exercise important ? Apparently, beneficial exercise to keep the flexibility of the joints , strengthen muscles around the bones and joints , as well as maintaining bone density .
Sports To BoneNot only muscles that can become big and strong with exercise , the bones will be strong if trained with regular exercise . Research has shown that women and young men who regularly exercise appeared to have a bone with higher density levels . Regular exercise is also important to prevent the bone loss that commonly occurs with age . Strong bones now and later !
But , not all sports have the same function . The most appropriate type of exercise for bone health is weight - bearing exercise , sports and nature that makes you ' against ' gravity . This type of exercise for weight on the bones needed to encourage the development of strong bones and healthy .
Some examples of types of weight - bearing exercise that you can try include:

weight training
Among other benefits , weight - bearing exercise can also help improve muscle strength and balance are important for preventing falls ( causing broken bones ) .
Sports To JointsLess active and less exercise it can make the joints become stiff and weak . It is related to the weakening of muscles and tendons ( tissues that connect muscles and bones ) . In accordance with its function to support the movement of joints and joints not so fast ' wear out ' , weakening the power of the muscles and tendons are then led to the disruption of the function and movement of joints . In addition , lack of exercise can also cause cartilage in the joints become stiff and shrink . As a result , the joint was no longer free to move .
To maintain healthy joints , choose the type of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise such as :

Yoga can be an option as it involves a lot of movement of joints and beneficial to train the necessary balance to prevent falls . While stretching exercise is also important in order to keep joints limber .
How much is enough?Try to regular exercise of moderate intensity for at least 30 minutes each day and complete with weight training for 2 times per week . Not just for bones and joints only, exercise can also help train muscle strength and coordination , balance the body , and is important for heart health .

Exercise and Bone and Joint Conditions . American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons .
Exercise for Your Bone Health . NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases - National Resource Center .
Ageing - muscles bones and joints . Better Health Channel State of Victoria .
Exercise - Exercise 's Effects on Bones and Muscles . University of Maryland Medical Center ( UMMC )

4 Benefits of exercise for brain health .

4 Benefits of exercise for brain health .4 - benefit - sport - for - brain - health4 Benefits of exercise for brain healthPosted on October 23 , 2013 · Posted in Life Style Love , General , Love Bieber - It's no secret that exercise is good for your body fitness . But some scientists also claim that exercise is good for brain health .
As reported from , findings published in the journal Cell Metabolism shows that exercise or exercise can increase the production of a molecule called irisin . Irisin increases neurotrophic may protect the brain against neurological symptoms .
In addition to increasing production irisin , sports also provide some benefits to the brain such as the following .
Sharpen thinking skillsA study from Dartmouth revealed that exercise affects the sharpness of the brain in thinking because it increases the production of neurotrophic , a protein that can increase mental acuity , brain , and memory .
Makes you more activeSports will enhance the ability of your motor system associated with muscle .
Helps relieve depressionWhen you exercise the more endorphins are released so you will help reduce the stress and pain that you experience .
Reduce the aging brainAs we get older , the brain called the hippocampus to shrink . That's why , when we 've entered the twilight of his life , we will become forgetful . Fortunately exercise can increase the growth of new nerve that is in the hippocampus .
Sports will provide immense benefits not only for physical health but also your brain . Therefore, do not hesitate to spend a little time to exercise .

Sports for Health

Sports for Health
Posted by malamjumat on Oct. 26, 2009

As is discussed in section healthy eating , the food we eat should be balanced by the activity / physical activity , if the activity we just sit around in the office or rarely perform strenuous activities when the food we eat a lot of calories , the result is excess this energy will be stored as fat reserves , and when fat reserves will result in accumulating body become obese ( overweight ) would then become obese .
The best way to prevent obesity is to calculate the food we eat to the activities undertaken , if we eat a lot of trivial , we have a lot of activity / active , if not a lot of our activities means we need to exercise to balance it . Simple exercise , such as running , sports field ( using the field services contractors ) , or using exercise equipment in the fitness as well as good .
How can a healthy sport ? , Here are some healthy exercise tips :
* Heating is very important . The muscles we must be prepared in advance . Do it for 5-10 minutes with slow activity .
* Frequency is crucial , how often we exercise a week , most good 3-5 times and this should be done regularly .
* The intensity of exercise ( magnitude of the effort ) . Must exercise to sweat and breathe deeply . Not to arise taste
comfortable , try increasing the heart rate up to 60-90 % of normal .
* Time is also decisive . Research shows when we exercise for 30 minutes will be the same result with the sport for 10 minutes performed 3 times with the same intensity .
Cooling should not be underestimated . When we finished the weight and stop exercising suddenly , we may experience muscle stiffness , feeling weak , dizzy even be unconscious . Cool down by walking or stretching slowly for 5-10 minutes .
Now it has many sports facilities can be rented field ( like a toy rental now ) and use the facilities of other sports .
May be useful ! ! !
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Sports Right for Heart Health

Sports Right for Heart HealthWritten by Dr . Handrawan Nadesul
Healthy sport that is not just moving the body alone , nor just sweating . Here we will discuss what kind of sports are healthy for our heart .

EXERCISE it needs to pursue a healthy heartbeat to capture oxygen by the blood through the lungs to reach optimal levels according to age . That which we call a sport that has entered the aerobic zone . Only if the sport or physical activity has reached the aerobic zone , the body will reap the health benefits . Including when a heart-healthy goals for themselves .

Efforts should be heart healthy has been started since childhood . Activities that involve children running activity is central to the exercise form . In addition to adding thick heart muscle , ran also strengthen bones and muscles of limbs . More than that, it also strengthens the abdominal wall muscles , thereby reducing the risk of belly fat when I grow up .Heart muscle is formed by physical activity since the kids were little . Then we can see the heart muscle is thicker than the athletes they are not athletes . Similarly, the heart muscle that since small children are accustomed to exercise .
We know the thicker heart muscle will be stronger than that no . Heart muscle is not formed thick need to work harder , which later risk of the occurrence of heart failure ( heart failure or decomensatio cordis ) .
Thick heart muscle more efficient at pumping blood , because the blood to meet the body's needs , within a minute of the heart muscle that are trained to do is beat a little more than the untrained . That's why athletes heart work more efficiently . In general, the heart pumps about 70 beating per minute . If the heart rate per minute can be a little more than that , it was not too tired heart pumping . Athlete's heart may beat a little more than that because it has been trained so thick heart muscle . Because that would be healthy when the heart has been trained from an early age .
But now it is feared the running game has been less and less children . Children more often sitting around playing games , or at the computer . As a result in most children 's heart now become less trained , plus the risk of a child's weight also tend to be excessive due to less moving . Two conditions that increase the risk of heart disease in adulthood
Brisk walking
Low impact exercise can always be an option to achieve the aerobic zone , such as swimming, running , or others . Indeed, for those who are aged over 40 years , the aging condition of his knee joints , cartilage was thinned , and oil the joints is reduced , which adds sport weight on the knee needs to be limited . Knee disorders ( osteoarthritis ) often occurs because we treat one knee , among other things still ran at his advanced age . Cooper, the originator of aerobics recommends walking or brisk walking quickly in order to reach the aerobic zone .
Aerobic zone is reached when the heart rate is reached frequency according to age . Computation formula is as follows :
60-80 % of ( 220 - age ) beating per minute .

For example, for persons aged 50 years , if at least 60 percent of the 170 is beating / min or about 102 beating / min is reached , it means that already in the aerobic zone . Keep pounding it for 45-50 minutes .
Importantly , grabbing whatever sport aerobic zone is done routinely every day , not just a few times a week . Ideally 6 times a week , 45-50 minutes duration . Healthy but it is not the length of his routine . The longer exercising for hours without being followed by a routine instead of the more healthful , instead there is the possibility of overtraining . Danger is overtraining can damage the body as well as free radicals ( free radicals ) in the body flood . We know that free radicals is the forerunner of cancer , heart disease , and other disorders of the body . Then the exercise was the appropriate portion of our heart that maintained their health . ***

jam 09:45